Biden admin touts headway on lead

By Ellie Borst | 05/09/2024 04:25 PM EDT

“We’ve made excellent progress toward protecting children from the risks of lead exposure,” EPA Deputy Administrator Janet McCabe said.

A child walking by peeling paint on a wall.

President Joe Biden has made reducing childhood lead exposure a pillar in his environmental health efforts. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

The three government agencies leading the Biden administration’s crackdown on lead poisoning ran a victory lap over their progress, despite the continued widespread presence of the neurotoxin.

EPA, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Department of Health and Human Services released a report Thursday documenting the progress that has been made since 2018, when the agencies first detailed plans geared toward reducing children’s exposure to lead.

Those original action items centered on four goals: reducing children’s exposure to lead sources, identifying where the problem persists, communicating better with stakeholders and conducting more research into exposures.


Using general goals carried over from the Trump administration, President Joe Biden has made reducing lead contamination a pillar in his environmental health efforts.