EPA prioritizes risk reviews for cancer-tied plastics chemicals

By Ellie Borst | 12/18/2024 01:34 PM EST

The agency named the next five chemicals it thinks should face an extensive risk assessment process.

A piece of microplastic foam debris found along the coast of Alaska sits on a person's finger.

A piece of microplastic foam debris found along the coast of Alaska sits on a person's finger in 2013. EPA announced it will prioritize chemicals used to make plastic foam, as well as four other chemicals used to make plastic, for risk review. NOAA via AP

EPA has announced the next five chemicals it will launch a lengthy risk review process for, a move that that could lead to restrictions or bans.

The Biden administration’s lineup signals a desire to crack down on chemicals used to make plastic, but the final call on how to handle the matter will be left to the incoming Trump administration.

EPA’s prioritization list, announced Wednesday, includes styrene, benzene, ethylbenzene, naphthalene and 4-tert-octylphenol — each of which is used primarily to make plastics.


The agency also designated five other chemicals used to make plastics, including vinyl chloride, as “high priority” substances, clearing a key regulatory hurdle in the Toxic Substances Control Act risk assessments process.