Florida PSC sides with TECO on key issues ahead of rate hike vote

By Bruce Ritchie | 12/05/2024 06:49 AM EST

Public Counsel Walt Trierweiler, who has argued that customers already are struggling to pay their bills, said Wednesday he was disappointed by the Public Service Commission’s actions.

TALLAHASSEE, Florida — The Public Service Commission sided with Tampa Electric this week in rejecting several staff recommendations to slash a revenue request as part of an upcoming rate hike vote.

The details: PSC staff had recommended cutting TECO’s three-year, $445-million rate hike request by nearly half. But commissioners on Tuesday argued that some of the utility’s more costly projects will help diversify Florida’s fuel supply as required by state law.

The commission reversed a staff recommendation to deny a proposed new backup power plant in Tampa on land donated by MacDill Air Force Base, home of the U. S. Central Command. The $167.2-million project would power the base during rare national emergencies.


“One of the most strategic command centers in the United States is located at this location,” Commissioner Gary Clark said. “I certainly see that as an important part of what we’re doing and part of our responsibility as well.”