FWS announces 4 expanded wildlife refuges

By Michael Doyle | 04/16/2024 01:30 PM EDT

The expansions will come through voluntary sales of private lands or voluntary easements.

A whooping crane flies over the Aransas Wildlife Refuge in Fulton, Texas.

A whooping crane flies over the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in Fulton, Texas. Pat Sullivan/AP

The Interior Department on Tuesday announced the authorized expansion of four national wildlife refuges by a total of up to 1.13 million acres.

The two wildlife refuges in Texas and one each in New Mexico and North Carolina include some particularly precious habitat for species ranging from whooping cranes to the lesser prairie chicken.

“By working with our partners including Tribes and private landowners, the Service will conserve important habitat that supports recreation and working lands, protects species, addresses the biodiversity crisis and builds resilience in the face of climate change,” Fish and Wildlife Service Director Martha Williams said in a statement.


The newly permitted refuge expansions will come through voluntary sales of private lands or the offering of voluntary easements.