Scientists: Climate change doubled chances of European flood catastrophe

By Zia Weise | 09/26/2024 06:44 AM EDT

Similar events are becoming more predictable and severe as the planet warms, analysis finds.

The flooded village of Rudawa, southern Poland.

The rising waters that killed at least 24 people from Poland to Romania this month are twice as likely to occur in today’s climate as in a world without man-made global warming, a study found. Sergei Gapon/AFP via Getty Images

BRUSSELS — Burning oil, gas and coal is increasing the probability and ferocity of flood-bringing rains in Central Europe, scientists warn.

The rising waters that killed at least 24 people from Poland to Romania this month are twice as likely to occur in today’s climate as in a world without man-made global warming, according to an analysis published Wednesday.

The scientists also found that the risk and severity of such disasters will increase even further as the planet continues to warm.


“Unless we stop burning fossil fuels, this rainfall and the associated flooding will only get worse,” said Friederike Otto, a climatologist at Imperial College London and co-author of the study.