Diplomats say they are ‘worried’ about GOP attacks on Obama’s climate plan
BY LISA FRIEDMAN | 04/24/2015 08:11 AM EDT
Who has planted the most carbon-storing trees? China’s ‘Green Great Wall’ takes the prize
BY COCO LIU | 04/24/2015 08:11 AM EDT
Carbon tax could replace Obama’s climate rules, Democrat says
BY EVAN LEHMANN | 04/23/2015 08:20 AM EDT
Success in Paris climate talks may require ‘uniform voice’ from business leaders, group says
BY DANIEL CUSICK | 04/23/2015 08:20 AM EDT
Yale to impose carbon tax on itself, led by the man who helped invent it
BY BENJAMIN HULAC | 04/22/2015 08:19 AM EDT
Obama warns of climate risks in Fla., where GOP hopefuls differ over impacts
U.S. disaster aid must be overhauled to deal with climate threats, insurers warn
BY EVAN LEHMANN | 04/21/2015 07:58 AM EDT
Report finds China could feasibly get most of its energy from renewables by 2050
BY UMAIR IRFAN | 04/21/2015 07:58 AM EDT
Jeb Bush, ‘concerned’ about climate change, tries to stake out middle ground on the issue
BY EVAN LEHMANN | 04/20/2015 07:50 AM EDT
Political temperatures rise over conflicts between urban and rural water use in Calif.
BY DEBRA KAHN | 04/17/2015 09:00 AM EDT